Fausto Bordalo Dias is a key figure in Portuguese music today. The legendary composer and musician died aged 75. He is one of the greatest geniuses of Portuguese music, eternalised by his songs of social intervention and by his trilogy of albums about maritime epics, which began with the seminal album "Por Este Rio Acima" (1982).
The composer was born on a boat, halfway between Portugal and Angola. And it was in Africa that he spent the first 18 years of his life. For political reasons, Fausto joined the movement of intervention singers, although he was very influenced by the Anglo-Saxon sound, especially the Beatles. He performed alongside Zeca Afonso and other intervention musicians across the country throughout the 70s.
Fausto began to make a name for himself with his 1974 debut album, "P'ró Que Der E Vier", which was recorded before 25 April but published after the Carnation Revolution.
The Centre pays a small homage to him, through a selection of photographs from the Archive with the acronym C.P.I. (Portuguese Community in England), gathered by Portuguese political exiles and workers living in England in the 1960s and 1970s, including Álvaro de Miranda, João Pedro Monjardino, Adriana Peixoto and Sacuntala de Miranda, donors of the documentation. As well as documents belonging to the private archives of the four donors, the fund (CPI) includes the archive of the newspaper Luta Comum, which includes photographs of Fausto and Zeca's concerts in various contexts, including the Counter-Eurovision Festival.